As the name suggests, this feature enables residents/service users to have their own login to Sekoia. If you have residents that are independent, involved in their own care and support, have the capacity to record some of their own care as well as having access to their own device - be it a phone or tablet, then this feature will be of interest to you. It is also a great way to encourage your residents to be more independent and engaged in their activities of daily living.
It is a simple login that can be activated in the Sekoia Administration - followed by giving residents access to the Sekoia App on their own device.
The interface is in many ways be similar, to what we have for the employees now - however the login process is much simpler, as their device will remember the resident indefinitely, once they log in for the first time.
Furthermore, it is possible to add a Picture to the assigned Tasks to simplify the understanding of this activity for the residents.
The My Page section will have access to Messages and Photos, and residents will also have access to their Calendar.
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