This is a feature that is accessible both in the Sekoia Administration as well as the App within the Residents Menu and as part of the Reports. It is therefore available to the entire employee group within the organisation. You will see a tab within the Residents menu which reads Records.
Records are a comprehensive chronological tool, to view and remark on all observations and any deviations that may have taken place in a service user’s day and routine. Most of your processes are well covered between Plans, Tasks and Forms, however Records come in handy to obtain a well-rounded combined overview of what has taken place.
Remarks in the records may also sometimes be used to communicate by/with the team, in the aftermath of an occurrence, for example an observation being made or a care plan being reviewed. Management can also use this tool to record follow-up actions.
The Records encompass the following information:
Any Task deviations, for example, Cancelled or Moved tasks or Tasks not completed within their routine timeframe, will be reflected in the records.
All observation Forms completed for a service user will automatically become part of the resident Records, allowing you to make remarks on relevant completed forms. You may use this for management follow-ups and in a way to internally communicate any outcomes/actions resulting from an observation/event that has been recorded.
Any Care Plan reviews carried out for a service user, along with the review notes will be reflected in the Records.
Resident Profile:
Any changes documented in the Residents basic information on their profile will be reflected in the Records.
Any health Measurements recorded in Sekoia will also automatically become part of the service user’s Records.
Free Text Entries:
In addition to the above, you can also add new free text entries as a resident record. It will also allow other employees to remark (comment) on these entries. You will have to put an internal process in place for this to be checked, as it will not notify employees automatically of a new entry made to the resident records.
These entries may be tagged to specific Care Plans – thereby connecting them to an overarching goal or subject for the service user.
You are also able to delete entries if need be. This may only be done either by the person who has created it or by a System Administrator.
Filtering/Searching Records:
There is a keyword search in the records. There is also a comprehensive filtering menu in the Records which allows you to search for and view specific information based on the context of your search. This can be filtered by date and content type – right down to specific Plans, Forms, Measurements and Access Rights.
In the Administration, you also have the ability to access these Records across multiple service users – a week at a time and use the same filtering options available on Individual Records to streamline the information you are looking for.
In due course, you will also have the ability to export/print this information as needed.
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