Risk Assessments are an integral part of the Care Planning process within the social care sector. However, it is quite a broad term with different interpretations that vary based on the care setting, you work in and your service user group.
In Sekoia, we have a very flexible Form-building process, which allows us to incorporate all kinds of Risk Assessment formats.
Listed below are the most commonly used assessments:
First is a score based Risk Assessment - such as Waterlow - where scores are added up in different steps, coming to a a final assessment score that will help determine the risk level for the service user, for example - Low, Medium, High, Very High.
Second is based on a Severity and Likelihood index - where you generate two scores - one score when hazards are identified, and another score when control measures are put in place. So you multiply the Severity with the Likelihood and may determine that the risk is a Level 6 - but after control measures have been put in place, it can be brought down to a 3, which is a tolerable level of risk, as an example.
Third is a Question and Answer based Risk Assessment with free text questions such as - What is the Risk? Who is at Risk? What actions have been put in place to control the Risk? Who is the person responsible? When will this be reviewed? etc.
Fourth is a simple text based Risk Assessment - these kind of Risk Assessments cover more or less the same content as in the third type, but they aren't in Q&A format, and so care providers prefer to build these as a sub-category to the correlating Care Plan instead.
One last thing to note is that all of the above mentioned examples are resident specific assessments. There are also some Assessments, which are organisation based - you may also refer to these as Audits. For example, Infection Control, Health and Safety, COVID measures etc. These assessments are also supported well within Sekoia's Form-builder.
For any more questions on how to build your Risk Assessments in Sekoia, please do get in touch with us and we will be more than happy to talk you through the process.
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