Tasks in Sekoia allow you to coordinate the delivery of every service user's care plan. The list helps you prioritise your day, document your observations and ensure that nothing is forgotten, viewing all the day’s activities and ticking them off as they are completed.
It is a real-time shared overview of the support that needs to be delivered collectively to all your service users, and allows you to see, where you are in the day. Tasks automatically change colour to denote, when they may be overdue and serve as a prompt for staff to address them at the correct time.
Each task comes with a personalised description of how that support must be delivered to the individual, capturing their needs and preferences. You also have the ability to tag visual instructions (either pictures or videos) to help facilitate the staff providing this support. Furthermore, you can tag relevant care plans to tasks to ensure that this additional information is also made available to the staff, when and where they need it.
The ability to tag Forms to a Task ensures that relevant observations can also be documented at point of care when delivering that support.
Staff may filter the task list based either on their roles or other parameters. Ad hoc tasks authorised by management can also be created from the devices, as and when they occur. These can also be used to schedule follow-ups or reminders for other shifts of tasks that need to be carried out at a later time.
All tasks when either completed, cancelled or moved bear a name and time-stamp to ensure transparency.
Creating a Task Catalog:
All care and support delivered to service users in your organisation, which either need to serve as a reminder for the staff or are pertinent for staff to document, should be created in the task catalog in the Setup of Tasks.
Assigning Tasks:
Once the initial task catalog has been set up, the next step of the onboarding includes assigning these tasks to individual service users. It is useful especially during initial onboarding that the task assignment section in the setup is used to help work across multiple service users. This is where you plan individual service users' days, set time frames and repetition pattern for tasks, personalise descriptions and tag relevant instructions and forms to it.
Viewing and Assigning Tasks in the Resident menu:
In the Residents menu, you are able to access the Tasks tab, where you can set up individual resident's tasks. It is also where you can set time frames and repetition pattern for tasks, personalise descriptions and tag relevant instructions and forms to it. You are also able to obtain weekly and monthly overviews of the task assignments in the resident menu.
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