We have learned in Sekoia that it is important to make a delegation of responsibilities of the roles of Sekoia. It creates peace and security for all the employees of the organisation, having knowledge and insight into who is responsible for what and can answer the 'what if's of Sekoia.
The roles of Sekoia
The roles in Sekoia have the following options in the administration:
The system administrator has access to everything in Sekoia at the organisational level, with which the person is not restricted to a home, but can look across the homes that have Sekoia.
The administrator has access to everything in Sekoia at the home the person is associated with. The only thing they are unable to do is create plan types.
The superuser has access to the same as the Administrator except for the ability to create employees and pull out management information.
Employees have access to obtain observation logs.
The activity co-ordinator has access to create and send events in and from the activity groups that they are associated with.
System Administrators, Administrators, Super Users and Employees have all rights to perform the same tasks in Sekoia from the screens. The only difference that may be is that some employees' rights to look across homes in the Appointment Book is determined by their affiliation, which is determined in the administration.
Choice of Administrators and Super Users
Administrators and Super users often get the role of ambassadors for Sekoia and will often be the ones that ensure Sekoia is implemented and rooted in the organisation. We recommend the following competencies as a focus when making the choice:
- Professionally reflective
- Good communication skills
- Creative to see opportunities
- Various professional groups for example HCA's, Seniors, Nurses etc.
- Different shift patterns- so that all selected Super users do not work on the same weekday, only during the days or the like.
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